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时间: 2022-10-14浏览次数:246







The US Commerce Department has announced 2 new rules of export control on October 7, 2022.

China Semiconductor Industry Association (CSIA) is disappointed to see the action from the Commerce Department, and we do not agree to such measure abruptly disturbing the international trade in such an arbitrary way. And we are troubled with applying the concept of national security and foreign policy interest to each action of the discriminating trade policy. Not only such unilateral measure will harm further the global supply chain of semiconductor industry, more importantly it will create an atmosphere of uncertainty, which will negatively affect the trust, goodwill, and spirit of cooperation that the players of the global semiconductor industry has carefully cultivated over the past decades.  

Therefore, for the well-being of the global semiconductor industry, countless downstream industrial sectors, and millions of semiconductor workers and professionals, we move that the US government to adjust the course of action and to return to the well-established framework of the World Semiconductor Council (WSC) and the Government and Authority Meeting on Semiconductor (GAMS). We are hopeful that opinions will be effectively exchanged and solutions could be worked out under the WSC and GAMS.



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